1. Go to the fourth folder in your computer where you store your pictures.
I just did...
I just did...
2. Pick the fourth folder in that folder.OK...
3. Pick the fourth picture.
4. Explain the picture.
I want a butterfly tatoo ever since I have began to study translation. Bun I haven't found THE butterfly yet. The big one in this image is pretty much what I'd like. And this post is written in English so my mother woudn't understand what I want...yet! :P :d
I want a butterfly tatoo ever since I have began to study translation. Bun I haven't found THE butterfly yet. The big one in this image is pretty much what I'd like. And this post is written in English so my mother woudn't understand what I want...yet! :P :d
5. Tag 4 people to do the same.
I think that pretty much eveyone in the blogWorld has done this tag at least once. Still, I invite Monica, Ade, IRina and...Fluturaş!
Gata scumpo, am preluat:D
RăspundețiȘtergereSar'na! BTW, good idea with english! :)) KisseZ:X
Multumesc draga! Sper ca la mine te refereai si ca n-am gresit :)) Superba poza! Cum de s-a nimerit sa fie fix fluturei? Eu n-am norocul asta :)
RăspundețiȘtergereC.L.M. : Unfotunatelly, tatoos are still tabu for most of the parents...but I am dreaming it for quite a while, and I waited for 2 years to make sure that is not some childish wish! As soon as I have the money, I will have my tatoo! Besides, a talented friend of mine is making the design, so I will have something unique, not just a draft!
RăspundețiȘtergereFluturaş, tu esti aleasa! Am multe aripi de fluture in blogroll, aşa că am mizat pe usename! :P
Nu numai ca sunt fluturi, dar sunt si asortaţi cu fundalul! Am numarat de 100 de ori, ca bate la ochi: Printre fluturi...fluturi! Nu am vrut să se creadă că e ales! Dar orice am făcut, tot asta a ieşit la numărătoare! Frumoasă imagine, nu crezi?
Ai o leapsa la mine!!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereOw, and I want a tatoo to! :X I love them.
Am mai vrut io să-ţi spun chestia asta, dar am uitat. Sau ţi-am zis pe mess. Uhm, leapşa asta nu pot s-o iau, pentru că în folder-u' cu pricina nu-i nicio poză de pus pe blog. Şi nici nu vreau să aleg o alta.